
13. Preparing for war

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Māori warriors were some of the best in the world. Fighting was not just about weapons. A warrior had to undergo training that included fancy footwork, moves, and positions.

You might have seen the All Blacks perform the haka at the beginning of rugby games – this was originally a war dance and each side did it to scare their enemy with their fierceness.

Fighting was usually done with weapons held in your hands. Can you see the weapons with long handles that look like spears and axes? These were never thrown but jabbed into your enemy’s stomach or brought down on their head.

And what about the shorter weapons that look like clubs? How do you think a warrior fought with these? It took a lot of skill to use these patu or clubs – and you had to get a lot closer to your enemy to fight them!

When Europeans arrived in New Zealand they brought guns with them. Māori quickly saw these weapons could do more damage and they began using guns instead of the weapons you see here. But Māori martial arts are now being taught again and you can learn traditional fighting skills today.

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